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After All Metal!


  20/03  Izegem (B)
 J.O.C. + Legal Suffering
  29/05 Beernem (B)   Berenrock Festival
+ In Between
+ Imago
+ Mushrooms
+ Jesus Disease
+ Orange Pecco
+ Cauldron
+ Purge
+ Blindfold
+ The Velveteens
+ Suffocare
+ Fatal Bissextile
+ Stoned Cry
+ Krebs
+ Grand Cru
+ Ie Yom
+ El Gaga

v: Piet Focroul
g: Dries Van Damme
g: Christophe Depree
b: Erwin Casier
d: Chris "Hazy" De Neve
  31/07 Gent (B) Democrazy L'Ognion Fait La Force
+ Gang Bang
+ Gene Flow
+ V.H.G.
  26/09 Brugge (B) Dwarskop + Grand Cru
  22/10 Blankenberge (B) La Baraque  
  06/11 Lauwe (B) La Gare + ?
  13/11 Aalbeke (B) 't Skutje
Minirock Festival
+ Rumble Creep
+ Golden Galaxy Jerks
+ Thin Line Men
+ Tabula Rasa
+ Bionic Germ
+ Original Sin
  21/11 Kortrijk (B) Reflex  
  26/11 Sint-Michiels (B) Thope