After an almost 4 year recording hiatus, SweetKiss Momma is back to unleash “A
Reckoning Is Coming”, the follow-up to their debut full-length album “Revival
Rock” (one of 2010’s best reviewed, and best-selling, independent Southern/Roots
Rock albums). “A Reckoning Is Coming” was recorded with top-notch Nashville
producer (and founding member of Wilco) Ken Coomer, and mastered by Grammy-
winning engineer Richard Dodd (Tom Petty, Johnny Cash, John Lennon, and Kings
Of Leon among many others). This fortuitous rock-n-roll union was set in motion
when Coomer, after hearing the band while adjudicating the finals of a songwriting
contest being held by John Carter Cash, contacted SKM to see if they would be
interested in teaming up with him for their next record. "They are genuine...”
says Coomer. “…they write from their big ol’ hearts, without apologizing to
anyone.” The band, along with auxiliary members Dan Walker on keys and Kim
Hamel on additional vocal harmonies, convened with Coomer for a week of marathon
sessions at the legendary Creative Workshop Studio (who in it's prime, hosted a
number of gold and platinum recording sessions, among them were those for Elvis
Presley, Merle Haggard, and Leon Russell). “Creative Workshop has such an
incredible vibe to it” remarked Jeff, “you can just feel the history and
spirit of that building coming through in the recordings.” From the fire and
coming-down-from-the-mountains stomp of the set's first number "Fix My Hair",
it’s clear that this dynamic and richly-rooted outfit is laying the groundwork
for a collection of stadium-worthy articulations. The fierce rocking and ominous
double-barreled guitar attack of the title track, the searing declaration of
"Breathe Rebel", the syncopated shimmy of "Get Some Love", and the down'n'nasty
boogie of "Dirty Uncle Deezer" perfectly express the Saturday night swagger
inherent to the SweetKiss Momma sound, while tracks like the graceful and
affecting lament “Same Old Stories”, and the delicate acoustic instrumental
“Laura Rose”, serve to illustrate that a balanced fragility may be what truly
lies in the core of the band’s soul. The final grace note of the album is an
alternate acoustic take of "Breathe Rebel” that seemingly transports you to the
late-night front porch jam sessions that one imagines much of their music is
birthed from. Coomer was impressed by the music the group cut with him; "…what
you will hear are songs and riffs that will stick in your craw for days on end!”
The band has noticeably grown since their last effort, employing richer texture
and imagery in their music and lyrical content. There is a comfortable cohesion,
and undeniable chemistry, as they simply, yet powerfully convey what seems
to come to them naturally.
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