Teenage Head Music is a European booking agency established in 1998, providing full touring services. These services consist
of bookings, tour vans, backlines, as well as a qualified and seasoned team of tour managers, merchandisers and drivers.
Teenage Head Music has been a trustworthy partner to talent buyers across Europe for years. Excelling in finding new musical
nuggets all over the world, the company has brought many new artists on first time trips to Europe and established them with
touring careers as well as working with already established artists.
Van rental
 arrow  Our fleet consists of Mercedes Sprinter vans ranging from 7 to 9 places + cargo.
Backline rental
 arrow We use Marshall, Fender, Mesa Boogie, Orange, Ampeg and more professional brands.
  Our backlines are all encased in flight cases ready to do the job on any stage.
 arrow We are connected to a wide range of magazines, newspapers, fanzines, blogs, radio and tv stations
  (local, national and international). We will conduct a format-tailored press campaign in close
coordination with our clients according to their needs. This consists of product placement, name
exposure, interview/review coordination, ads, market and post-tour feedback.
Event promo
 arrow Tour, show and festival promotion and coordination across the European continent.
Event management
 arrow If you have an idea about an event and you need a team of professionals to make it happen,
  you can count on us for guidance and help getting the job done in the most efficient way.
Date by date contact expertise
 arrow We have been on the road countless times and have a profound knowledge on what to do and where to go when you need it.
Tour merchandise supply
 arrow We get your t-shirts ready at your first show and take care of re-orders to be sent anywhere in Europe.
 Manny Montana
 the team 3

Dieter 'Heavy D' Bossaert 
 Manny Montana  Max Longin  Dieter 'Heavy D' Bossaerts
Booking, press, tour management,  Booking, tour management, Tour management, sound technician,
 production management  production management  production management
°Founded THM in 1998    

Who's Online

We have 12 guests and no members online

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